The Auvers-sur-Oise Festival Association is governed by the law of 1 July juillet 1901.
The Association Festival d’Auvers-sur-Oise is governed by the law of 1 July 1901 and its purpose is to manage the Auvers-sur-Oise Festival, to promote the arts by creating artistic events, to enhance the value of the Church of Notre-Dame in Auvers-sur-Oise and its heritage, and to contribute to the development of cultural and artistic projects around the Bernard Hurvy organ. In 2006, the Festival achieved its primary objective: the construction of a 30-stop post-classical organ in the Church of Notre-Dame in Auvers-sur-Oise. This organ has spawned other large-scale projects aimed at young people, such as the ‘L’Orgue Aux Enfants’ discovery and training workshop, the commissioning of works from composers and the production of concerts as part of the Opus series.
With regard to the enhancement of the Church of Notre-Dame in Auvers-sur-Oise, here is a list of purchases made by the Festival since 1985:
1. Choir organ by Bois purchased for religious use (1985): €35,000
2. Organ podium joinery (1985): €2,500
3. Restoration of the half-moon church podium and stairs (1985 to 1987): €5,700
4. Tuning and adjustments (1985 to 2005): €8,000
5. Mustel harmonium (1990 restoration): €1,700
6. Harmonium tunings (1990/1991/1992/1998/2000/2005): €1,200
7. Renovation of the altar podium with the Town of Auvers-sur-Oise (Menuiserie Martinez 1992): €3,100
8. Lock and games vandalised Harmonium Mustel (2005): €380
9. Restoration of the left side floor and the beginning of the right and left Nave (1982): €6,000
10. Straw chairs and benches from the Church of Méry-sur-Oise purchased from Père Tyl for the Church of Auvers (1992): €1,000
11. Various works, sacristy – Bernard Bergeron electricity meter (1990 to 2005): €1,000
12. Renovation of lights on nave and side pillars and staff (2005 and 2012): €1,400
13. Payment of donations towards costs – Parish/Diocese (1985 to 1995): €6,000
14. Contributions towards costs – Parish/Diocese (1996 to 2005): €30,000
15. Contributions towards costs – Parish/Diocese (2006 to 2017): €58,000
16. Festival’s share of the cost of building the organ (2005): €40,000
17. Organ lighting (2006): €19,500
18. Costs generated by the inauguration of the Organ – Security company – Inaugural concert (2006): €33,000
19. Finishing the altar podium with rectangular edges (Picard/Martinez joinery 2009): €2,700
20. Contribution to the carpet covering the altar podium (2013): €1,000
21. Renovation of presbytery/regency shed – roof (2013): €20,000
22. Renovation of the presbytery/agency shed (continued) – electricity, paint, reinforced door, etc. (2014): €5,800
23. Replacement of church furniture – 400 chairs – (2017): €29,000
24. Contribution towards work on the roof of Notre-Dame Church in Auvers-sur-Oise (2017): €18,000
25. Repairs to the parquet flooring on the Chaire de Vérité and Pilier sides (Menuiserie Picard 2018): €793
TOTAL COST: €330,773